Daily Archives: June 16, 2014

Samba Food – The taste of Brazil


Taste of the World Cup

Taste of the World Cup

Its been a busy few months, hence its been a while since my last post.


Since the world cup is now in full swing why not really get in to to the SAMBA swing and try Brazil’s National Dish Feijoada.  There are a number of varieties of Feijoada each region having their own specific take on this classic piece of Brazilian gastronomy. The dish is essentially a stew of beans with beef and pork, and its name derives from the Portuguese word feijão, meaning ‘beans’.

I found this recipe on-line  http://southamericanfood.about.com/od/maincourses/r/feijoada.htm  it sounds delicious, the only down side it takes 15 hours in cooking and preparation time 😦

Or you could try something a little easier, takes hours less time in cooking but is equally delicious.  

Camarão na Moranga (Shrimp in Pumpkin) is a creamy seafood stew served at coastal restaurants throughout Brazil, and traces back to the 1940s in São Paulo. Gloriously presented in a pumpkin, it’s a conversation piece that will impress your dinner guests both for its flavor and decorative flair.  This recipie I found at the Latin Kitchen…



For all your catering needs contact Paul @ www.5adaycatering.co.uk