Food fit for your little ones.


A recent study showed that if you want a smart kid , then focus on their food.  Study finds healthy diet dramatically improves kids’ reading, writing and comprehension skills.

At 5 aday catering   we are advocates of freshly made, well balance meas for pre school children.  After all you want to make sure that your little ones are getting a good start in life.

Children who eat fruit, vegetables, fish, and whole grains in their first three years of school do far better in tests than their peers with poor diets, the study found.

The findings, from the University of Eastern Finland, were independent of children’s socio-economic status, physical fitness, and body type.

The closer the diet followed the Baltic Sea Diet (high in vegetables, fruit and berries, fish, whole grain, and unsaturated fats and low in red meat, sugary products, and saturated fat) the healthier it was considered.

Fresh Vegetables

Fresh Vegetables

fresh fruit

Fresh Fruit

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